Contact Us

Ask Questions or Schedule a Play Date! Please let us know what days and the timeframe are best to meet your dog.

Service Areas

We are located in Saugus, MA 1906. 

How it Works


For your convenience, feel free to email me on the main page. Just fill out some simple details and I’ll contact you immediately. Get started today — it’s easy! 

Or call (781) 484-2991

Meet Dilma

I personally come to your home for a quick meeting to make sure everyone, human and animal, is comfortable with each other.  This is also when you give me instructions and show me the routines. If all goes well, we can make arrangements for house keys.

Schedule a Date!

We offer an online / APP platform which makes scheduling very easy. We also offer GPS tracking so pet parents receive a detailed map of where their pet ventured for the day. Keeping our pet parents informed, with peace of mind 

Get in Touch By Phone Or email



(781) 484-2991
