Only the Best for Our Best Friends

What Exactly Does Dog Walking Include and Entail?

All walks come with Refreshing clean water, GPS tracking, & Pet Waste Removal. Any other accommodations can be discussed for each individual pet. All the bells & Whistles include belly rubs, let’s play ball, jogs or runs, lots of kisses. 

How it Works


For your convenience, feel free to email me on the main page. Just fill out some simple details and I’ll contact you immediately. Get started today — it’s easy! 

Or call (781) 484-2991‬

Meet Dilma

I personally come to your home for a quick meeting to make sure everyone, human and animal, is comfortable with each other.  This is also when you give me instructions and show me the routines. If all goes well, we can make arrangements for house keys.

Schedule a Date!

We offer an online / APP platform which makes scheduling very easy. We also offer GPS tracking so pet parents receive a detailed map of where their pet ventured for the day. Keeping our pet parents informed, with peace of mind 

The Half Hour walk is the best daily walking option for high energy pups and a perfect amount of time for a potty break, exercise, and to cruise around town. GPS tracking included. Add $16 for each additional (small) dog.

$25/walk/dog 1-2 Visits / Week

Dog Park 

A full hour of fun! Your dog(s) will enjoy a brisk walk or jog that exercises their body and mind. Ideal for people who are away for long periods of time. Includes all the bells & whistles. GPS tracking included. Add $16 for each additional (small) dog.

$36/ Half day/dog

Dog Sitting


3 Walks, meals and play time (or a homestay, if available) 

Why Us?

Our love for dogs is shown to every dog we care for. We treat every dog like they were our own, and that’s spoiled! 

Walking your dog regularly provides a basic foundation for physical and mental health. Like a child, your dog wants to know the world. If he or she is confined to the house for too long, your dog will get bored, and boredom can lead to destructive behavior.







Winter Special

15% Off all prices

We will be extending the winter discount to all new customers until the End Of March. 

CODE: Winter Is Coming

Dog Owner Reviews

These guys are committed to providing a great experience to their clients


“We want to thank you with all our heart for taking outstanding care of our little fuzzy faces. They are our babies.”

~ MaryAnn T., Raleigh

We really appreciate the Pawston Walks service we got. Our PAWsome sitter, Dilma took the time to come and meet us before taking care of our Jack Russells.

Thank You!!

~Jaime Christopher 


Looking For A Professional?


Get in Touch By Phone Or email

Please complete our contact form if you are new to Pawston Walks. 


(781) 484-2991‬
